First, let's define the term "display jumper." This term refers to the horses that compete in the sport of "show jumping." Jumping competitions of various standards are held worldwide, and they are all very popular. When it comes to the locations where these events are born, they are all sites...
Everyone knows that the best approach to bond with a pet or a horse is to spend as much time as possible with them. Some numerous legends and myths support this assertion. The horse is one of the most intelligent animals, capable of displaying a great deal of affection and...
I got many questions about horse training to prevent horses from kicking. The method of kicking horses ranges from kicking almost anyone to the husband. It is a daunting problem, and many people don't know how to cure it. Therefore, I want to share some insights on horse kicks. How...
My sole purpose in writing or transmitting this message is to preserve at least one horse, and I know I won't be able to save them on my alone. Although I think with all my heart, I believe that the kind of answer that I think is just as good...
Ma's voice instructions are merely text for those who haven't activated it. On the other hand, Qu Yu is just a voice to horses. Ma Mo, of course, was referring to our language. Because they don't converse about our language, we should think about what we say to them when...
Horse betting is a favorite sport among the world's wealthiest people, and the industry is estimated to be worth a million dollars. People worldwide would bet on some of the greatest and most famous horses simply because of their winning streak reputation or because they have too much money to...
If there is an art of rigging on a tow truck, then tie it. The first thing that must happen is... between Ma Tongqu's processing procedures. The horse must... required. If there is an art of rigging on a tow truck, then tie it. The first thing that must happen...
Being a horse owner has a lot of responsibilities, and one of the important parts is not to teach you bad habits of horses. Many serious and potentially dangerous bad habits start as little annoying (or even cute) habits in horses. Preventing bad habits from forming is easier than fixing...
I will never forget one of the first horses I trained myself. I can't choose a better horse to ask my questions. The motivation of this horse is so slow. He is a very "person" of his own, so I can talk about it, and plan to be happy... in...
Interested in learning how to train horses? This article introduces basic training and riding courses. Every beginner should learn and master before getting on the horse. How to train a horse starts from birth. Most horses may not be processed at birth, or even until they are ready for saddle...