Horse training voice commands

Horse training voice commands

Ma’s voice instructions are merely text for those who haven’t activated it. On the other hand, Qu Yu is just a voice to horses.

Ma Mo, of course, was referring to our language. Because they don’t converse about our language, we should think about what we say to them when we desire a response.

As an example, consider the word “wow.” It is, without a doubt, the most misused word in human/horse communication. The horse should know to come to a halt when the rider says, “wow.”

Voice Commands for Horse Training

However, there is a problem. When the rider wants the horse to slow down, he often exclaims, “wow”… Don’t give up. When the rider says, the silly wandering horse will come to a halt!

When you mean to do other things, er, tell your horse commands. You never say huge things to your horse because the results aren’t always what you’re looking for it. Jesse Berry, a great 19th-century horse trainer, understood this and was the first to remark, “Don’t lie to your horse.”

As a result, you can only say “wow” to the horse because you want to halt… Could you not take it easy on yourself?

Additionally, utilize basic words with as few syllables as possible when utilizing voice instructions.

As a result, if you want a horse to back up, say “back.” Say “walking” if you’re going to walk down the street. Say “trot” if you wish to go trotting.

Finally, when utilizing voice commands, make careful to link controls to actions. Let’s say you’re teaching your horse to gallop when you order “speed.” So you utilize your auxiliary instruments to train him to jog in the round pen. So you say “Harp” first and then offer help to encourage him to move faster.

Voice Commands for Horse Training

If you wish to educate your horse to stroll, create a pen around it and teach it to gallop from the opposite way. Stop and touch him after he walks a few times. If the channel moves too quickly, use the term slowly and go somewhat ahead of him.

Finally, I strongly advise you to be cautious about how you communicate with your horse.

You can increase your horse’s heart rate, worry and confuse him, and make him take longer to learn if you use threatening commands (by shouting orders).

For example, the word “step” is a common command for horses to learn. Use this command to move a horse ahead when driving it. Take a step forward. I don’t want to shout orders when I teach it since the horse can interpret it as a punishment.

You will obtain greater outcomes if you gently say “one step” rather than yelling. When a horse does not “get what you want,” it tends to become frustrated, and as a result, your voice will become louder. Then you have to start sounding scary again, and otherwise, your horse will take longer to realize what you want.

Ma Biandu is being trained to drive a car, and the teacher is teaching her the phrase “step.” He would say aloud, “STEP!” when preparing it. It wasn’t long before the horse shrank the sand completely. The merchant grew increasingly irritated, repeating his directions even louder. as if the horse didn’t hear him.”

It reminds me of a show I saw on TV that I tried. A person who speaks English converses with a person who speaks Spanish. Someone who speaks Spanish is also able to communicate in English. A person who spoke English attempted to interact with a Spanish person. The English speakers became slower and louder after a minute of clear disagreement. Unfortunately, Spanish speakers do not understand English and do not care if it is spoken loudly, softly, quickly, or slowly.

In a nutshell, utilize brief phrases. Use this term when you require a specific operation—only say the word first when you need a particular function. Say something along the lines of “wandering around easily” if you want your horse to slow down. (Don’t use the word “slow” because might misinterpret it as “amazing.”)

After that, link the action to the order and speak softly to the horse. The horse can hear perfectly, and the shouted command will clarify the power—if there is one—frightening and confusing it.